Sunday, 18 May 2014

Weight Loss For Men Women Fitness Motivation Inspiration Model Quotes Body Magazine Workouts Logo Before And After Photos

Weight Loss For Men Biography

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The my-Bio medical facility focuses on evaluating the health needs of individuals based on hormone levels that naturally occur in the body. Many common illnesses and medical issues can be helped by regulating and restoring these hormones such as Estrogen, Testosterone, and Progesterone. Such illnesses include, fatigue, menopause, headaches, loss of libido, fibromyalgia, restless leg syndrome, hair loss, weight issues, and more. All patients are evaluated and treated by certified medical doctors and nurses in a sterile facility.

Visit to schedule your consultation with the my-Bio team today.

Men's Health, Women's Health, Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Weight loss, Menopause, Medical Evaluations., Fibromyalgia, Loss of Libido, Sleep Problems and Fatigue, Migraines and Headaches, Iritability, and more.


Established in 2011.

My-Bio was created and founded by Dr. Bala Rangaswami in 2011 to meet the wellness of patients in central Indiana. With over 20 years of clinical experience, his focus on restoring good hormonal health to patients while minimizing health risks is unsurpassed. With the safe use of Bio-identical Hormone therapy, our facility can bring relief to patients by eliminating hot flashes, restoring energy as well sleep patterns, enhancing libido, and aiding in weight loss. Specific therapies for Fibromyalgia patients are also offered. These treatments are tailored to both men and women on an individual basis. Our Services also include 24 hour, 7 day a week access to our MD's.

Meet the Business Owner

Dr. Bala R.
Dr. Bala R.
Business Owner
Dr. Bala Rangaswami received his undergraduate degree in Chemistry, with a specialty in organic chemistry, from Duke University. He then continued his education at the University of Louisville Medical School where he earned his Doctor of Medicine. Dr. Bala then completed both his internship and residency in internal medicine at Indiana University Medical Center.

Before founding My-Bio, Dr. Bala was the chief of the largest primary care practice in Shelby County, Indiana. Dr. Bala has cared for over 7,000 patients and during his 7 year tenure in Shelby County, he achieved the distinction of Best Physician and Most Compassionate Doctor Award four years in a row, as polled in the Shelby News.

My-Bio was created to restore patient's bodies, and bring them back to their best selves. Dr. Bala's main goal is to give his patient's complete care and is available to his patients 24/7.

Jared Fogle's story is bizarre but all-American, and all true. He developed a weight problem in adolescence, and as a young man he wore pants with 60-inch waistlines and weighed 425 pounds. His father is a physician, so he often heard about the unhealthy risks of his morbid obesity. "Dead by 40" was his father's sad prognosis. Fogle had tried all the popular weight-loss programs, and failed.

He was attending Indiana University, living in an apartment building with a Subway sandwich shop at the front door, and he ate lunch and dinner there almost daily. Usually he had a steak sandwich, or two, with extra cheese. When the chain adopted its "7 for 6" ad campaign -- seven sandwiches, each with less than six grams of fat -- Fogle decided it would be easy to make their ad campaign his 'diet'.

The Jared Fogle diet: Coffee for breakfast. For lunch, a six-inch turkey sub with a small bag of Baked Lay's chips and a Diet Coke. For dinner, a foot-long veggie sub and a Diet Coke. On the sandwiches, no cheese, no mayonnaise, but plenty of lettuce, green peppers, banana peppers and pickles, and a dab of mustard. No snacks, and no cheating. Exercise was not part of Fogle's plan, but after a few months he noticed he had more energy, and started walking to class. Toward the end of his diet was walking about a mile and a half daily.

After about 700 sub sandwiches in a little less than a year, he had lost 245 pounds. As classmates complimented him on his new look, he became the focus of an article in the campus newspaper, and someone -- was it Fogle? -- sent the clipping to Subway's headquarters.

Of course, everyone in the fast food industry knows -- or "knew" -- that customers were not interested in healthy food, so Subway's national office saw Fogle as an oddity, not an opportunity. The company's marketing staff had not even been responsible for the "7 for 6" ad campaign -- those ads were created by a local franchise operator in Houston, and the chain only took the campaign national after sales at that Houston franchise jumped noticeably. Similarly, it was only after a Chicago franchisee read about Fogle's weight loss in Men's Health magazine, and created a local ad that dramatically increased that store's sales, that Subway hired Fogle for his first national ads in 2000. When the commercials began running, sales jumped by about 20% almost immediately. After a few years of "Jared the Subway Guy" commercials, Subway's research showed that audiences were growing weary of Fogle, and they began phasing him out of their ads. Sales went down, and Fogle came back.

What is the Fogle allure? He is not as handsome as most celebrity spokesmen, and he could stand to lose a few more pounds, but he is for real. It is easy to make jokes about his commercials, but impossible to be cynical after meeting him. Whenever he disappears from the television, vicious rumors suggest that he has gained back all his lost weight and perhaps more, but the photos debunk the lie. He says he knows his time in the spotlight will come to an end eventually, but insists he will never be fat again.

He is the author of Jared, the Subway Guy: Winning Through Losing: 13 Lessons for Turning Your Life Around, and still jets around the country, representing Subway as the chain opens new sandwich shops or making personal appearances as a motivational speaker. He still eats at Subway several times a week, but not daily, still watches his calories and drinks diet soda, and a regular walking regimen helps keep him cuddly if not quite thin.

 Weight Loss For Men Women Fitness Motivation Inspiration Model Quotes Body Magazine Workouts Logo Before And After Photos

 Weight Loss For Men Women Fitness Motivation Inspiration Model Quotes Body Magazine Workouts Logo Before And After Photos

 Weight Loss For Men Women Fitness Motivation Inspiration Model Quotes Body Magazine Workouts Logo Before And After Photos

 Weight Loss For Men Women Fitness Motivation Inspiration Model Quotes Body Magazine Workouts Logo Before And After Photos

 Weight Loss For Men Women Fitness Motivation Inspiration Model Quotes Body Magazine Workouts Logo Before And After Photos

 Weight Loss For Men Women Fitness Motivation Inspiration Model Quotes Body Magazine Workouts Logo Before And After Photos

 Weight Loss For Men Women Fitness Motivation Inspiration Model Quotes Body Magazine Workouts Logo Before And After Photos

 Weight Loss For Men Women Fitness Motivation Inspiration Model Quotes Body Magazine Workouts Logo Before And After Photos

 Weight Loss For Men Women Fitness Motivation Inspiration Model Quotes Body Magazine Workouts Logo Before And After Photos

 Weight Loss For Men Women Fitness Motivation Inspiration Model Quotes Body Magazine Workouts Logo Before And After Photos

 Weight Loss For Men Women Fitness Motivation Inspiration Model Quotes Body Magazine Workouts Logo Before And After Photos

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